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Alternative Healing & Healers

Welcome to the American Association of Psychics & Healers Tm


Phone: 970-776-8418                                       Email : intuitivesource@gmail.com
Web site: 

Kim Mowery-Smith is a gifted Psychic, Intuitive Counselor and Wellness Advisor with the natural ability to help answer your life questions through information revealed to her from her guides and yours and direct from The Source.

Everyone has an area in their life that they would like clarity and direction brought to. Kim's  continuing studies of diverse spiritual counseling, healing practices and training in the areas of Reiki, Hands on Healing and Meditation as well as her own healing path allow her to pass along clear messages to you.

Kim's calling has always been to help people.  Developing her abilities has allowed her to help more and more people in positive, constructive ways.

Read more

Life Itself-What is Your Purpose, Your Direction, Life Fulfillment
Relationships- Their Meaning, How to Know Which are Beneficial, How to "Let it Happen"
Career- Direction and Meaning
Health- Self-Healing, Wellness, Nutrition, How to Become a "Whole" Being
Financial- How to Bring Abundance and What Abundance Feels and Looks Like
Bridge the Spiritual and Physical Gap- Living With Consciousness Daily & Manifesting Your Own Destiny

Kim Mowery Smith ~  Psychic Medium ~ Intuitive Life Coach ~ CO 

Please note the founder of the organization is not liable for refunds on behalf of individual consultants. As they are all independent contractors. Not all members are certified by this organization, some are just members of the organizations directory. The ones who are certified have gone through training with our organization and they will say so on their websites.
Legal Notice  Copyright © 2002 - 2017 American, Canadian & UK Associations of Psychics & Healers LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this web site may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission. Please note our logo and the wording is trademarked, use of the logo or logo contents are prohibited without written permission. Use of our Logos without permission can result in a law suit.

​Brought To You By Rosemary The Celtic Lady
