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Alternative Healing & Healers

Welcome to the American Association of Psychics & Healers Tm



So you wish to join us! If so please fill out the form on this page. Give us your email, your website details and tell us a little bit about yourself. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

Also please note  for new members. When applying to this organization you will go through a criminal background check. The American Association of Psychics & Healers is the only American psychic & healing directory where membership is by invitation only and only for those individuals who meet the following criteria!  A telephone interview with the founder. You must also have a web site be ethical and credible within your own practice.

Please Note: Due to the high volume of requests, if we do not contact you within 7 days your request has been unsuccessful. This means your web site is either not to the professional standard we require for membership or some of your services offered are not permitted. Also note requesting information about membership in no way guarantees you membership, membership is strictly by invitation, after you pass interview process.

We are not a hotline organization! We do not promote hotline psychics! Everyone is an individual who works for themselves and are members of this association, organization and on our directory.

​Love & Light
Rosemary The Celtic Lady

Are you Ready To Join One of  America's Most Elite Organizations For Psychics, Psychic Mediums & Alternative Healers. Become A Member of the A.A.O.P. & the A.A.O.H.

The American Association of Psychics & Healers LLC.

Please note the founder of the organization is not liable for refunds on behalf of individual consultants. As they are all independent contractors. Not all members are certified by this organization, some are just members of the organizations directory. The ones who are certified have been with the organization more than a year!
Legal Notice
Copyright © 1998 - 202 & beyond, American, Canadian & UK Associations of Psychics & Healers LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this web site may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission. Please note our logo and the wording is trademarked, use of the logo or logo contents are prohibited without written permission. Use of our Logos without permission can result in a law suit.

​Brought To You By Rosemary The Celtic Lady
